للعودة للصفحة الرئيسية

للعودة للصفحة السابقة

الأستاذ الدكتور محمد بن صلاح بن عمر عبدالجبار


-      مواليد الرياض ( 1960 )

-      حاصل على بكالوريوس طب سنة  1983 من جامعة الرياض

-      حصل على البورد الأمريكي سنة 1988

-      حصل على الزمالة الكندية سنة 1989

-      يعمل حاليا بروفيسورا لطب المخ والأعصاب بجامعة الملك سعود بالرياض كما يعمل مديرا طبيا لمتشفى قوى الأمن الداخلي بالرياض

-      عضو مشارك  في هيئات علمية عالمية :

·        هيئة الكليات الأمريكية للطب

·        الهيئة الملكية لطب و جراحة المخ والأعصاب الكندية

·        النادي السعودي لعلوم الأعصاب

·        الأكاديمية الأمريكية للأعصاب

·        نادي العرب حول العالم لطب الأعصاب

-      حضر العديد من المؤتمرات الطبية حول العالم منها ( ايطاليا ، فرنسا ، المانيا ، السعودية ، تونس ، مصر )

-      له العديد من الأوراق و المنشورات العلمية القيمة التي شارك من خلالها في المؤتمرات الطبية

-      شارك في نشر العديد من المطبوعات العلمية الطبية في مجال طب و جراحة المخ و الأعصاب


Name                                      :           Mohammad Salah Abduljabbar


Date of Birth                           :           15/6/1380 (11/12/1960)


Nationality                             :           Saudi


Civil Status                             :           Married with 6 children


Address:                                :           Security Forces Hospital

                                                            P.O. Box 3643

                                                            Riyadh 11481

                                                            Saudi Arabia

                                                            Tel No. 4775360

                                                            Fax No. 4774480 ext. 3360




                        ·               MBBS June 1983, Riyadh University, Riyadh - Saudi Arabia

                        ·               CEE (Canadian Evaluation Examination) 1984

                        ·               American Board of Internal Medicine -  September 1988

                        ·               Canadian  Fellowship (FRCP “C”)

“Fellowship of Royal College of Physician and Surgeon of  Canada” July 1989




                           ·             Professor of Medicine, King Saud University

                           ·             Medical Director, Security Forces Hospital




1.         Acting Head of Neurology Division at King Khalid University Hospital.


2.         Coordinator of King Saud University Neurology Fellowship Programme (1991-1993).


3.         Director of Postgraduate Education - Neurology Division (1989-1991)


4.         Director of Residency Training Program, College of Medicine - King Saud University



5.         Course Organizer of MED 333


6.         Member of the following committees:

             -          Registration Committee - College of Medicine

             -          Health Education - College of Medicine

-          Brain Death Committee.

 -          Residency Committee of Internal Medicine Department.

-          Organizing Committee of the 8th Annual Saudi Symposium of Neurosciences.

-                    Member of Research Committee in Prince Salman Centre for handicap.


7.         Head of Neurology Division Security Forces Hospital (1996-1999).


8.         Assistant Medical Director of Security Forces Hospital (1996-1988).


9.         Paramedical Director of Security Forces Hospital (1988 till present).


10.       Reviewer in Saudi Medical Journal, Annal of Saudi Medicine, King Abdulaziz City and Europian Journal of Neurology.


11.       Member of advisory editor in Saudi Medical Journal.




June 1983                                MBBS

Riyadh University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


July 1983 - July 1984              Internship

King Saud University, King Khalid University Hospital


Aug 1984 - June 1985                        Demonstrator

Internal Medicine, Department of Medical College, KSU


July 1985 - June 1986             Resident I

Internal Medicine at McMaster University, Hamilton,

                                                Ontario, Canada


July 1986 - June 1987             Resident II

Internal Medicine at McMaster University, Hamilton,

                                                Ontario, Canada


July 1987 - Jan 1988               Chief Resident

McMaster University,            Hamilton, Ontario, Canada


Jan 1988 - June 1989              Fellow in Neurology

MacMaster University, Ontario, Canada






July 1989 - Sept 1990             Assistant Professor

Internal Medicine and Neurology - Senior Registrar

at King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Sept 1990 - Sept 1994                        Consultant Neurologist and Internal Medicine

King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Sept 1994 -      Sept 2001        Consultant Neurologist and Associate Professor

Internal Medicine and Neurology, King Saud University,

                                                Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Sept 18,  2001 -                       Professor Internal Medicine & Neurology

Up to Present                         King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia



Nov. 1995 - June 1997                       Assistant Medical Director and             Head of Neurology,

                                                Security Forces Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


July 1997 – Sept. 2005                       Director of Paramedical Affairs,

                                                Security Forces Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


October 2005   -                      Medical Director

up to Present                          Security Forces Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia     





1.    Member of American College of Physician since 1988.

2.    Fellow of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada since 1989.

3.    Member of Riyadh Neurosciences Club since 1989.

4.    Member of American Academy of Neurology since 19993.

5.    Member of Panarab of Neurology since 1993.





v   19th Europian Neurological Society Meeting in Milan-Italy, Safar 1420 (June 1999).


v   American Academy of Neurology - Toronto, Canada, April 1999


v   The Seventh Advanced Medicine Symposium - Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital, 1-3 November 1998


v   The Intensive Review Course in Internal Medicine - Dallah Hospital, 17-22 October 1998 (27 Jumada-II - 02 Rajab 1419H)


v   18th Europian Neurological Society Meeting in Nice, France,  Safar 1419/June 1998.





v   Update in Parkinson Disease - Frankfort, Germany, Muharram 1419 / May 1998.


v   Workshop in Applied Clinical Neurophysiology, Riyadh Saudi Arabia, 3-5 Rajab 1416 / 25-27 November 1996.


v   6th Congress of Pan Arab Union of Neurological Sciences - Cairo, Egypt 23-25 Shawwal 1415/22-24 March 1995   


v   5th Congress of Pan Arab Union of Neurological Sciences - Tunis, March 1994 (1414)


v   World Congress of Epilepsy - Oslow, Norway, Muharram 1414 / July 1993


v   International Workshop on Headache and Migraine -Riyadh Saudi Arabia 16-17 Rabi thani 1414 / 2-3 October 1993


v   8th Saudi Annual Neurosciences Symposium, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre,  22-24 Rajab 1412 / 26-28 January 1992


v   Advance in Thrombosis Management, Security Forces Hospital, Riyadh, 16-17 Rajab 1410 / 11-12 February 1990


v           7th International Neurosciences Symposium, Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital

16-17 Rajab 1410 / 11-20 February 1990


v   1st International Neurophysiology Workshop, Riyadh, College of Medicine, Kin Saud University, 18-20 Rajab 1410/13-15 February 1990


v   Geriartrics and Geriartics rehabilitation Symposium, Riyadh, Riyadh Central Hospital, Riyadh, 4-5 Jumada 1410 / 10-11 November 1990





1.         Abduljabbar M, Daif AK, Al Rajeh S, Al Bunyan M,   Al Tahan AR. Epilepsy in Saudi Arabia. Bounis Airs Argentina, 1998.


2.         AbduJabbar M. “Sleep disorders (Narcolepsy)”. Workshop in Applied Clinical Neurophysiology, Riyadh - Saudi Arabia. 3-5 Rajab 1416 (25-27 November 1995).


3.         AbdulJabbar M. “BIH and Headache”. International Workshop on Headache and Migraine, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 3-5 Rajab 1416 (25-27 November 1995).


4.         AbdulJabbar M. “Risk factors for IIH”. 6th Congress of Pan Arab Union of Neurological Sciences - Egypt. 23-25 Shawal 1415 (22-24 March 1995).






5.         AbdulJabbar M. “Effectiveness of antimicrobial therapy in Neurobrucellosis”. 6th Congress of Pan Arab Union of Neurological Sciences - Egypt. 23-25 Shawal 1415 (22-24 March 1995).


6.         AbdulJabbar MS, Kabiraj MMU, Al-Wazzan A. “Bronchial reactivity study in patients suffering from migraine”. 9th Annual Neuroscience Symposium, Riyadh - Saudi Arabia. 15-17 Shawwal 1414 (27-29 March 1994).


7.         Kabiraj MMU, Al Rajeh S. Al Bunyan M. Daif AK, AbdulJabbar M, AlTahan AR. “Terminal Latency Index (TLI): A sensitive electrodiagnostic test for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)” 9th Annual Neuroscience Symposium, Riyadh - Saudi Arabia. 15-17 Shawwal 1414 (27-29 March 1994).


8.         Haq A, AbdulJabbar M, Ghozi I. “Adenosine deaminase level in CSF of brucella meningitis”. 9th Annual Neuroscience Symposium, Riyadh - Saudi Arabia. 15-17 Shawwal 1414 (27-29 March 1994).


9.         AbdulJabbar M. “BIH and Headache”. International Workshop on Headache and Migraine. The Postgraduate Centre, college of Medicine, KSU 22-24 Rajab 1414 (2-3 October 1993).


10.       AbdulJabbar M, Daif AK, Yaqub B, Al Deeb S. Cerebral Venous Thrombosis: Advance in Thrombosis Management  Symposium. Security Forces Hospital, Riyadh  Saudi Arabia. (23-24Shawwal 1412 (26-27 April 1993).


11.       Daif AK, Obeid T, Yaqub B. AbdulJabbar M. “Neurological disease associated with antiphospholipid antibodies”. 8th Annual Neuroscienses Symposium, riyadh - Saudi Arabia. 22-24 Rajab 1412 (26-28 January 1992).


12.       AbdulJabbar M, Al Shammary S. “Compliance of Saudi epileptic patients”. 8th Saudi Annual Neurosciences Symposium, Riyadh - Saudi Arabia. 22-24 Rajab 1412 (26-28 January 1992).


13.       Jamjoom ZA, Jamali A, Jamjoom A, Ur-Rahman N, Malabarey T, AbdulJabbar M. “Spinal cord compression caused by inflammatory and neoplastic pathology: An experience of KKUH”. 8th Saudi Annual Neurosciences. 22-24 Rajab 1412 (26-28 January 1992).


14.       AbdulJabbar M, Obeid T, Jamjoom Z, Ur-Rahman N. “Chronic subfural hematoma in elderly. Geriatric Rehabilitation Symposium. Riyadh Central Hospital, Riyadh - Saudi Arabia”. Jumada-1 1412 (10-11 November 1991).


15.       Daif AK, Tahan A, Yaqub, AbdulJabbar M, Waheed G. “Partial complex status: clinicoelectrical ictal symptomatology”. 5th European Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, Paris. 20-24 Safar 1411 (9-13 September 1990).


16.       AbdulJabbar M, Daif AK, Awada A. “Unusual Presentation of Tuberculus Meningitis” World Congress of Neurology. Vancover, Canada (1990).




17.       Kabiraj M, Yaqub B, AbdulJabbar M, Waheed G. “Nocturnal Seizure: The problem of classification”. 5th Europian Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, Paris. 20-24 Safar 1411 (9-13 September 1990).


18.       Daif A, Yaqub B, Shamena A, AbdulJabbar M, Kabiraj M. “Cortical blindness: aetiology, diagnosis and prognosis”. 7th Saudi Annual Neurosciences Symposium, Riyadh - Saudi Arabia. 16-17 Rajab 1410 (11-12 February 1990).





(A)       Assistant Professor to Associate Professor:


1.         AbdulJabbar M, Daif AK. Syringomyelia: A diagnostic challenge. Bahrain Med Bull 1990; 12(3): 137-139.


2.         AbdulJabbar M. Pattern of Guillain-Barre syndrome in Saudi Arabia. J Trop and Geogr Neurol 1991; 1:35-38.


3.         AbdulJabbar M. Paradoxical response to chemotherapy for intracranial tuberculoma: two case reports from Saudi Arabia. J Trop Med and Hyg 1991; 94: 374-376.


4.         Obeid T, Daif AK, Panayiotopoulos C, Yaqub B. Shamena A, Al Bunyan M. AbdulJabbar M and Al Tahan A. Stroke in the young in Riyadh area, Saudi Arabia. J Trop and Geogr Neurol 1991; 1:54-58.


5.         AbdulJabbar M, Daif AK. Intracranial aneurysm in Takayasu’s disease: clinical and radiological findings. J Trop and Geor Neurol 1992; 1: 89-92.


6.         AbdulJabbar M, Kahtani E. Terson’s syndrome in a Saudi patient: a case report. Ann Saudi Med 1992; 12(4): 406-408.


7.         Daif AK, Obeid T. Yaqub B and AbdulJabbar M. Unusual presentation of tuberculous meningitis. Clin Neurol and Neurosurg 1992; 94 1-5.


8.         AbdulJabbar M, Al Shammary S. “Determinants of Compliance in Saudi Epileptic Patient”. Ann Saudi Med 1993; 13(1): 60-63.


9.         Jamjoom AH, Jamali A, Jamjoom ZA, Ur-Rahman N,     AbdulJabbar M, Malabarey T. Spinal tumors: Experience at King Khalid University Hospital. Ann Saudi Med 1993; 13(1): 47-51.


(B)       From Associate Professor to Professor


10.       AbdulJabbar M, Mahdi AH, Obeid T. Shamena AR, Joharji I. The clinical and brain CT features of old infantile hemiplegia. Saudi Med J 1994; (15(1): 52-55.





11.       AbdulJabbar M. Adenosine deaminase concentration in cerebrospinal fluid during brucella meningitis. Journal of Infection 1994; 29:41-44.


12.       AbdulJabbar M. Efficacy of antibiotics in neurobrucellosis. Eur J Neurol 1995; 2:123-126.


13.       Jamjoom Z, Saif A, Jamjoom AH, Rahman NU, AbdulJabbar M. Subtentorial diverticulum of the third ventricle associated with a mural cavernous angioma in a child. Surg. Neurol 1994; 42: 211-217.



14.       Daif AK, Awada A, Al Rajeh S, AbdulJabbar M, Al Tahan AR, Obeid T, Malabary T. Cerebral venous thrombosis in adults. A study of 40 cases from Saudi Arabia. Stroke 1995; 26: 1193-1195.


15.       AbdulJabbar M, Ghozi I, Haq A, Korner H. Sudden ‘stroke-like’ onset of hemiparesis due to herpetic encephalitis” Can J Neurol Sci 1995; 22:320-321.


16.       Arora S, Dahmash N, AbdulJabbar M, Fayed D. Severe polyneupathy masquerading as Guillain-Barré syndrome: a case report. Med Sci Res 1995; 23: 503-504.


17.       Ashour M, Jain S, Kattan K, Al-Daeef A. AbdulJabbar M, Al Tahan AR, Al Moallami M. Maximal thymectomy for myasthenia gravis. Eur J Cardio-Thorac Surg 1995; 9: 461-464.


18.       AbdulJabbar M, Ogunniyi A, Al Balla S, Alballaa S, Al-Dalaan A. Prevalence of primary headache syndrome in adults in the Qassim region of Saudi Arabia. Headache 1996; 36: 385-388.


19        AbdulJabbar M. Ogunniyi A. Sociodemographic factors and primary headache syndrome in a Saudi Community. Neuroepidemiology  1997; 16:48-52.


20.       Kabiraj M, Al Rajeh S,  Awada A, Abduljabbar M,  Daif A, Al Tahan AR, Al-Bunyan M. Centro-temporal benign epilepsy in Saudi children. Seizure 1997; 6:139-144.


21.       Al Tahan AR, Al Rayess M, Abduljabbar M, Al Moallem M, Giant Cell Arteritis: Report of two Saudi patients and review of the literature. Annals of Saudi Medicine 1997;volume 17 (2): 237-239.


22        Daif A, Al Rajeh S, Awada A, Al-Bunyan M,  Ogunniyi A, Abduljabbar M, Al Tahan AR. Pattern of presentation of multiple sclerosis in Saudi Arabia : Analysis based on clinical and paraclinical features. Eur Neurol 1998; 39:182-186.


23.       Abduljabbar M, Ogunniyi A, Daif A, Al Tahan AR,  Al Bunyan M, Al Rajeh  S. Epilepsy classification and factors associated with control in Saudi adult patients. Seizure 1998; 6:1-5.





24.       Kabiraj M, Al Rajeh S, Al Tahan AR,  Abduljabbar M, Al Bunyan M, Daif A, Awada A. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: a clinico-electrophysiological study. Medical Science Research 1998; 26:631-633.


25.       Ogunniyi A. Daif A, Al Rajeh S, Abduljabbar M,  Al Tahan AR,         Al Bunyan M, Shamina AR. Dementia in Saudi Arabia: experience from a university hospital. Acta Neurol Scand 1998; 98:116-120.


26.       Abduljabbar M, Ogunniyi A, Daif A,  Al-Balla S, Al-Ballaa S,           Al-Dalaan A, Bahabri S, Sukheit M. Migraine and tension-type headaches. Saudi Medical Journal 1998; Vol. 19 (5):590-593.


27.       Abdulhakim B. Jamjoom, Zain A. Jamjoom, Naim-Ur-Rahman, Mohammad Abdul-Jabbar. Cerebellopontine angle tumors. Saudi Medical Journal 1998; Vol. 19 (5):594-598.

28.       Daif AK, Abduljabbar M, Ogunniyi A. Anticardiolipin Antibodies in young Saudis with ischemic stroke. Annals of Saudi Medicine 1998; volume 18 (1):73-74.


29.       Kabiraj M, Phil M, Al Rajeh S, Al Tahan AR, Al Bunyan M, Daif AK, Abduljabbar M. Terminal Latency Index: A distinctive diagnostic criterion for carpal tunnel syndrome. Saudi Medical Journal 1999; volume 20(4):302-306.


30.       Abduljabbar M, Al Khamis K, Ogunniyi A, Daif AK, Al Yamani M. Phenytoin dosage adjustment in Saudi epileptics: Utilization of steady-state pharmacokinetic parameters. European Journal of Neurology 1999; 6:331-334.




1.                     “Study of bronchial hyperactivity in migrainous patient”.

2.         Tetragenic effect of anticonvulsants”.

3.         AlZheimer’s disease in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: epidemiology of epilepsy.

4.         National study about driving and epilepsy.



Graduate from King Saud University in June 1983. After that I spent one-year rotating Internship in Medicine, Surgery, Paediatric and Obstetrics and Gynaecology. In 1984, I was accepted as a Demonstrator in the Medical Department and started to rotate between the various divisions (Gastroenterology, Neurology and Emergency Room). I also started teaching medical students about the skills of clinical examination.




Sent for Scholarship to Canada, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario in July 1985 to join Internal Medicine Programme after I had obtained the Canadian Evaluation Exam.

After two years of Internal Medicine (as a Rotating Resident), I was elected as Senior Medical Resident in Hamilton General Hospital for six months. I, then, joined the Neurology Division as a Fellow and started rotating in different hospitals doing outpatient clinics, on-call duties and reading all tracings including electroencephalogram, evoked potentials, electromyography and nerve conduction studies. I was also involve in the following projects during my training:

-      Sjogren syndrome review with the Rheumatology group

-      Using (Deprenyl) - the new anti-parkinsonian drug in refractory cases of Parkinson disease.

-      Effect of anticonvulsant on pregnancy

-      Electrical stimulation (pacemakers) in refractory cases of epilepsy.

-      P300 waves in dementia.

I finished the requirement for Internal Medicine and Neurology training and obtained the American Board (1988) and Canadian Fellowship (1989). I returned to Saudi Arabia as Senior Registrar and Assistant Professor in the College of Medicine - King Saud University, Department of Medicine and Neurology Division. I spent one year in that post before I was promoted to a Consultant position.


Through the five years of training in Internal Medicine and Neurology, I was involved in teaching sub-interns and interns. I also supervised the clinical work of the residents. Since I came in 1989, I started to teach our interns, Arab and Saudi Board Residents and also junior staff.

I was elected the Director of Postgraduate teaching in Neurology Division and later on, became a Member of the Residency Training Committee in Internal Medicine Department. Also, I was in-charge of Neurology Fellowship Programme in King Saud University and Med Course 333 in Internal Medicine. Then, I was the Director of the Residency Training Programme, College of Medicine, King Saud University and King Khaled University Hospital.